David Bradley Children's Bereavement Program Gift Fund at Penn Medicine Hospice
David Bradley Children's Bereavement Program

Shane, a program participant, with Sarah Abramowitz, child bereavement counselor
Helping kids move through grief to hope
Penn Medicine Hospice is proud to offer the David Bradley Children's Bereavement Program to help children through the traumatic process of losing a loved one. This program is one of just a handful in the Philadelphia area to provide specialized counseling and supportive services to grieving children and teens.

Founded in 1998 by the family and friends of David Bradley - who lost his father as a child and dedicated his life to helping others - the program has served more than 15,000 grieving children and youth since its inception.
David's Vision
David Bradley received help from Penn Hospice as a child, when he lost his father to cancer. After a hospice social worker helped David understand his emotions, it was David's wish to someday help other children and teens in similar circumstances.

David's life was tragically cut short before he could realize his dream. In 1998, his mother, Doris Bradley-Plager, and her husband, Dave Plager, came together with David's friends and family from the west coast to the east coast to raise funds to start the program. Those many friends and extended family members continue to be strong supporters of the program today.
Making a difference
An estimated 60,000 children and youth in the Philadelphia area are grieving the death of a parent. Research indicates that, without proper support, these kids are at high risk of depression, suicide, poverty and substance abuse.

To combat these risks, the David Bradley Program uses the latest research-based practices to assist grieving children, teens and their parents/caregivers. Each participant receives a personalized plan of service to adjust to the new family configuration and enable kids to move through the grieving process and look toward bright, healthy futures.

In the past year alone, the program served 600 kids. Services include:
  • In-home counseling sessions
  • art therapy
  • phone consultations to help parents/caregivers
  • family sessions
  • Camp Erin, an overnight camp for grieving kids
  • communicating with school counselors
Donation messages
In honor of our loving sister in Christ, Doris Plager. --Clothing Reruns at Central Schwenkfelder Church
Thinking about Davey and sending warm wishes to the Bradley-Plager family. --Bill and Sharon Zeruld
Rhett and Marsha Ripplinger appreciate how much Dave meant to all who knew him and are pleased to honor his memory and his mission. --Mr. Rhett Rippllinger
In honor of friends of Dave Bradley who may be turning 50 this year, including my sister, Lori. We appreciate the work done through the Bereavement Program as it carries on the generous spirit of dear Dave. --Dr. Julie & Colin Findlay
Sending our love to everyone who is still honoring Dave in this wonderful way. --Ms. Lynley & David Sides
Donate now!
David Bradley, with his mom, Doris Bradley-Plager
Fundraising goal $20,000.00
  Lauren and Laiken, who participated in the program after losing their mom.  
Recent donations (20 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Mr. Donald Gamburg
Mr. Donald Gamburg
Robin Lapre
Clothing Reruns at Central Schwenkfelder Church $100.00
Bill and Sharon Zeruld $250.00
Recent donations
Top donors (20 donations)
Mr. Bo and Lori Barber This amount includes donations indented below $1300.00
   Dr. Julie & Colin Findlay    $150.00
   Ms. Yvonne Barber    $50.00
   Mr. Carlos and Cindy Barber    $100.00
Mr. Michael Dobrynio $1000.00
Robin Lapre This amount includes donations indented below
amy and Donald Gamburg $250.00
Bill and Sharon Zeruld $250.00

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