Intensive Care Nursery Camera Project at Pennsylvania Hospital
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We are so grateful to Jordyn for kick-starting our campaign by raising $3,300 for her Mitzvah project! ______________________________________ Born at 27 weeks, weighing 1lb. 13 oz., Jordyn Stalbaum, now thirteen, wanted to give back to the NICU that saved her life. "Giving back to Pennsylvania Hospital has always been something I wanted to do, and I was proud to have made my Bat Mitzvah project about raising money for 'my' NICU. My goal was to raise money to purchase a camera, to give a family that feeling of ease knowing they can click on an app and see and hear their baby no matter where they are and what time it is." _____________________________________ Please help her gift have an even greater impact by making your own contribution!
A Message from Betsie Quigley, Nurse Manager of the Intensive Care Nursery
  Max in our Pennsylvania Hospital ICN  
Fundraising goal $130,000.00
Recent donations (153 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
The Nicolai Family
Vinitha, Regi & Maya
The Braunstein Family
John, Laura, Luke and Grace $50.00
The Budgell Family $50.00
Recent donations
Top donors (153 donations)
The Antoian Family
Anonymous Matching Gift $20000.00
The Superhero Project $20000.00
Marci and Todd Abbrecht $10000.00
Anonymous $7000.00
Intensive Care Nursery Camera Project at Pennsylvania Hospital - We reached our goal of $130,000 thanks to over 100 generous friends of the ICN. THANK YOU!

Since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Penn Medicine has been at the forefront of research into innovative and safe ways to bring the best care to our patients and their communities. Pennsylvania Hospital's Intensive Care Nursery (ICN) is no exception. Our nurses and doctors are working around the clock to care for our babies during these unique times. In addition, we here at Pennsylvania Hospital are leaders in developing national perinatal COVID-19 guidance, and we are conducting research to understand the impact of this novel infection on pregnant women and their newborns.

Shelter-in-place directives, social distancing, limited public transportation, and job loss as a result of the pandemic have added to the many stresses of having a baby who requires intensive care. Penn Medicine-wide efforts to protect patients, families and staff have necessitated limits on parent presence in the ICN. Thus, the current crisis highlights the critical importance of an item from our funding wish list.

Recently, we have sought to utilize new technologies that allow parents virtual access to the ICN. The Angel Eye Camera System uses secure, web-based methods to allow families to see and hear their infants when they cannot be physically present with them. Through donations from friends of Pennsylvania Hospital we hope to purchase and install this system at all of our 50 bed spaces. Your donation will help provide the gift of virtual contact that can keep babies and their families together while apart.
Your generous donation will allow us to quickly provide Angel Eye cameras for our ICN beds. With each camera costing $2500, this is no small undertaking, though the impact of the cameras is immeasurable. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
This systems is an audio and visual communication tool that attaches to an individual crib or isolette. Angel Eye cameras were designed for healthcare settings. They allow families to engage with their baby 24/7 using a HIPAA-compliant, secure, encrypted web-based app on a smartphone, iPad or other device.

Features of the app include:
  • Family account management
  • One-way patient text updates from staff to family
  • Technical and customer support team
  • Translation services for over 100 languages
  • Minimal bandwidth usage
Donation messages
Happy 3rd birthday Jack!! We love you and hope you had the best day celebrating!! --The Nicolai Family
Happy birthday Jack! Can't believe you are 3! I hope this birthday brings you the best of everything and most importantly -CANDY! --Vinitha, Regi & Maya
Happy 3rd birthday, Jack!! We love you so much! Love, the Braunstein Family --The Braunstein Family
Such an amazing cause and giving in honor of our favorite little warrior! --Josh and Carolyn Levitt
Thank you to all my primaries (heather, Theresa, Alice, Jean, Suhayla) who made our stay as pleasant as possible during that difficult time. My boys are 9 years old and thriving thanks to the amazing staff from the beginning. God bless you all!! --The Varghese Family

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