Million Dollar Bike Ride - Cystic Fibrosis
Donate now!
Check out the "I lived" video by One Republic - both for information about CF and an inspirational song!
Fundraising goal $30,000.00
Recent donations (79 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Susan & Tim Mitchell $100.00
Mr. William Batchelor
Ms. Renee Lewandowski $200.00
Recent donations
Top donors (79 donations)
Limestone Pension Associates, LLC $4000.00
Dave Fisher $2000.00
VA Forster Consulting, Inc $2000.00
Gappy & Bobbob $1000.00
Aunt Barb & Uncle Steve $1000.00
2020 Movin' for Mallory Spinathon

Help raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis research!

Update for 2020 Spiinathon:

Welcome to the 2020 Movin for Mallory Spinathon. This year's event will look and feel way different than past events. This year we will be virtual. What does this mean? We will not have the event at the shop. But that doesn't mean that the event isn't happening! You can still donate to a great cause and ride your bike. We are asking that you either go for a bike ride or ride on your trainer this year from home. Share your ride on the Facebook page. We won't have all of the hoopla that usually goes along with the event, look for that at next years event. We ARE still striving to raise funds to help conduct research on drug therapies to help cure Cystic Fibrosis. Last year we raised over $30K which was matched 100% by UPenn to pay for a research assistant to do vital work in finding a cure.

So please continue to support this event, even though it will be different and help make CF stand for Cure Found!
Cystic Fibrosis Resources
For more information about CF:
Want to learn more?
If you would like to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis and other ways you can help, please visit the following pages:

Cystic Fibrosis Foundtaion:
UPenn Orphan Disease Center
Million Dollar Bike Ride:
Rare Disease Cycling:
Kaitlyn Broadhurst's documentary Catching Air:
Racing to Breathe:
Register to become an organ donor:
Thriving with Cystic Fibrosis:
Spinathon Info:
    Donation messages
    Keep up the great running, Mallory! You're amazing! --Susan & Tim Mitchell
    Keep up the great work, Mallory! :-) --The Allen Family
    Great job this year Mallory with track and cross country! You are the best!! --Ms. Kathleen Peeke
    Mallory has meant so much to Conrad Schools of Science!!! --Mr. Mark Pruitt
    Do your Chemistry Homework! --Mr. Pappas

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    Post fundraising progress | Anne Marie Del Rossi, Director, Data Services | 215.898.3062
    2929 Walnut Street, Suite 300 Philadelphia, PA 19104 | Superuser