Million Dollar Bike Ride - RASopathies
Donate now!
Recent donations (15 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Jen, Mike, Will & Sam
Mx. Mary Ann & Ruder Schill
GnL Partners $250.00
Cheryl R. $100.00
Gayle & Helen King $50.00
Recent donations
Top donors (15 donations)
GnL Partners $250.00
Mx. Mary Ann & Ruder Schill
Debbie Hart $100.00
Sukie $100.00
Kayt Sukel $100.00
Miles for Max

Please Help Me Fund For Research
This is my 9th year participating in the Million Dollar Bike Ride to raise funds for RASopathies research grants. I would like to raise $1,000 to advance RASopathies research. Will you help me in my efforts? Thank you for supporting research of the RASopathies. - Love, Max
What is a RASopathy?
The RASopathies are a group of rare genetic conditions caused by mutations in genes of the Ras-MAPK pathway. Abnormalities of this pathway can have profound effects on development and can cause one of several different syndromes, including: Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous (CFC), Costello, Legius, Nerofibromatosis type1 (NF1), Noonan, Noonan with Multiple Letiginies (formerly called LEOPARD syndrome), and CM-AVM syndrome . These syndromes share many clinical features in common with one another, such as distinct facial features, developmental delays, cardiac defects, growth delays, neurologic issues, gastrointestinal difficulties and sometimes cancer. While these individual syndromes are rare, as a group, the RASopathies are among the most common genetic conditions in the world. To learm more go to
Help fund a research grant for the RASopathies
This grant will be awarded to academic researchers to initiate or advance RASopathies research.
  • 100% of your donation is tax deductible
  • 100% of your donation goes to research the RASopathies, no administrative costs taken out of donation
  • Donations will be matched by Penn if we raise $20,000!
  • Turn hope into action!
Donation messages
We hope you had an awesome ride, Max -- way to go! --Jen, Mike, Will & Sam
We are so proud of you!! - Love, Mom & Dad --GnL Partners
Keep being amazing Max and family! --Cheryl R.
Cycle on Max! --Barbara Rivoli
$90 for Year 9 - Go Max! --Ms. Sarah Perkins

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