Million Dollar Bike Ride - Cystic Fibrosis
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Fundraising goal $1,000.00
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This is the fundraising page of the Vanderbacon Family Picnic and the DCCOD who will be spinning in the Movin' for Mallory event on Black Friday. Our Team's goal is to raise $1000 while we spin our team's hour from 5pm-6pm in the Henry's Bike's Parking Lot.
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What is Cystic Fibrosis (from
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening, genetic disease that primarily affects the lungs
and digestive system. It is found in about 30,000 people in the United States (70,000
worldwide). People with CF inherit a defective gene that causes a buildup of thick mucus
in the lungs, pancreas and other organs.
When mucus clogs the lungs, it can become very difficult to breathe. The thick mucus
also traps bacteria in the airways, which can result in infections and inflammation and
often leads to severe lung damage, and eventually, respiratory failure. Respiratory
problems are the most serious and persistent complication for people with CF.
  • Marc and Diane Vettori
  • Shane Pasley
  • Paul Incognito
  • Ben Anemone
  • Blake and Travis Sapsford
  • Kita Roberts
  • Josh Tyrie
  • Buddy Briggs
  • Jay Cimini
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