Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions
Center for Minority Serving Institutions

Students of Paul Quinn College with their President, Michael J. Sorrell.
About Minority Serving Institutions
Minority Serving Institutions, or MSIs, emerged in response to a history of inequity, racial prejudice and limited access to majority institutions. There are 537 MSIs in the United States. These vital institutions enroll 20 percent of all undergraduate students and include Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions.

The Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions, or CMSI (, brings together researchers and practitioners from across the MSI spectrum to examine and discuss the collective strengths and challenges of MSIs and enhance efforts by MSIs to close educational achievement gaps. Located in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania and directed by Dr. Marybeth Gasman, CMSI provides meaningful programs and resources for MSIs and their students.
CMSI Program Highlights
MSI Recruitment Weekend: For ten years, the Admissions Office of the Graduate School of Education has worked with Dr. Gasman, and now CMSI, to host promising undergraduates from MSIs around the country to attend a special recruiting event that provides information about graduate school attendance, application and the enrollment process. Fifteen students attended this amazing event in 2014 and were introduced to the academic opportunities available to them at Penn and also to the global possibilities and benefits of a graduate education.

CMSI Summer Internship Program: Beginning in 2015, CMSI will offer internship opportunities for undergraduates enrolled at MSIs who are interested in pursuing a career in education. For eight weeks, students will gain research experience by working closely with our research team, and be exposed to the administrative responsibilities of CMSI.

CMSI Fellowship Program: Fellowships are for scholars from any field with a focus on Minority Serving Institutions. These one-year fellowships include a $5,000 stipend, as well as travel and room & board for one of the Center's national convenings. In addition, CMSI commits to disseminating the scholar's work through its network of supporters and readers.

We are seeking donations to help support these initiatives, among many others. If you are interested in supporting CMSI, please click the donate button at the top right corner of this page. Also, tell us why you support Minority Serving Institutions and students of color. We greatly appreciate your support!
Characteristics of Minority Serving Institutions
  • Over 50% of students enrolled at MSIs receive Pell Grants, compared to only 31% of all college students
  • MSIs award nearly 50% of teacher education degrees and certificates to students of color
  • Tuition rates at MSIs are, on average, 50% less than that of majority institutions
  • Almost half of all MSI students are the first in their families to attend college, compared to only 35% of students attending predominantly White institutions
Donation messages
Research focused on historically marginalized populations and institutions is essential to strengthening our national capacity to educate and prepare our students to be successful. I'm glad to support the Center for Minority Serving Institutions. --Dr. Pamela Petrease Felder
I fully support Marybeth's research and know the Center will continue to improve and revolutionize American higher education!! --Mr. A.J. Vervoort
Thank you for the work you do! It is truly invaluable! --Tina Fletcher
I look to Dr. Gasman and her team for compelling and relevant research on HBCUs. I'm overjoyed that the Penn Center for MSIs is on the scene and very proud to contribute! --Dr. Richard Reddick
Marybeth has been and amazing mentor! I am inspired by her, her work and the amazing things on the horizon for the CMSI! I look forward to giving at the post-PhD rate in future campaigns! ;-) --Mr. Michael Steven Williams
Donate now!
Recent donations (99 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Dr. Pamela Petrease Felder
Ms. Shana Yem $50.00
Mr. A.J. Vervoort $50.00
Mr. Maurice Williams Jr $40.00
Tina Fletcher $50.00
Recent donations
Top donors (99 donations)
Dr. Jonathan Sethna $5000.00
Dr. Louis Sullivan $1000.00
Dr. Marybeth Gasman This amount includes donations indented below
   Jennifer and Gary Taylor
   Mr. Charles E. Gibson, III
Dr. Martha Kanter $500.00
Dr. Noah Drezner $500.00

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