Elaine Boswell Tennis for Teal Ovarian Cancer Research Fund
Bringing a message of Ovarian Cancer awareness to the Philadelphia-area women's tennis community!

"I do it for all the women who are not as blessed as me. They must never be forgotten." -- Elaine Boswell
In the spring of 2015, life served avid tennis player and Pennsylvania native Elaine Boswell the heaviest shot of the game. After a routine checkup at her annual gynecological appointment, a 68-year-old, in shape and asymptomatic Elaine was told she had stage two Ovarian Cancer.

After the initial devastation from the diagnosis wore off, Elaine had two questions: How were they going to beat this and when could they start? Because she seemed up for the challenge, Elaine's doctor suggested a very aggressive approach to treatment including an immediate hysterectomy followed by six treatments of chemotherapy in the span of three months.

For those three months, Elaine was bedridden as she witnessed her skin transform into a shade of white she had never seen. Her hair fell out slowly at first then seemingly all at once. As anyone who has gone through chemotherapy themselves or watched someone close to them experience the process knows, it's hell on Earth. Time crept by while Elaine grew sicker and sicker and felt her body deteriorate from lack of movement or exercise. Toward the end of her treatment, Elaine would ask her doctor daily if she could play tennis again soon? "Not yet" was always the answer, until one day, it wasn't.

"If you think you can play, go ahead." This was the only semblance of permission Elaine needed. Once she got out of bed, she never got back in. Whether or not she could actually play a game herself didn't matter; just going to the courts to watch others volley gave her a reason to get up every morning and that was enough.
Cancer took a lot of things from Elaine, but it didn't take her passion for the game.
As luck would have it, Elaine had crossed paths with a woman who would end up playing a pivotal role in Elaine's ongoing effort to string together the world of tennis and Ovarian Cancer -- Nan Barash, President and CEO of The Barash Group, a marketing firm. The two tennis enthusiasts met by happenstance just weeks before Elaine's diagnosis and, unbeknownst to them, would be reunited once Elaine had weathered some of the storm. Upon learning what Elaine had been through, Nan was immediately compelled to team up with Elaine and help increase the Tennis for Teal fundraising efforts. Established in 2015, Tennis for Teal honors women and their families affected by Ovarian Cancer in addition to raising money for Ovarian Cancer research. Nan's first contribution was an updated logo with the addition of Elaine's name to the Tennis for Teal title.

In its first year, Elaine Boswell Tennis for Teal held an event at only one tennis club, Springton. In the following two years, the Elaine Boswell Tennis for Teal event was hosted at three different tennis clubs on the same evening! In between all that, Elaine and Nan had the chance to meet tennis legend Billie Jean King, who immediately took an interest in Elaine's story. Fast forward to the night Elaine and Nan sold out an entire movie theater to watch the premiere of Battle of the Sexes, a biographical movie based on Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs' infamous tennis match of 1973. The event raised $3,000 and caught the attention of Billie Jean King's Philadelphia Freedoms manager who wondered if this power duo could sell out a Freedoms match. They accepted the challenge, Billie Jean King herself got involved, and Elaine Boswell Tennis for Teal took on a life of its own.
"Helping other women is my mission. Looking at younger women with Ovarian Cancer breaks my heart. They have children to take care of. Families to raise. Work to do. This is for them." -- Elaine Boswell
Since the beginning of this endeavor, the fundraising team has collected over $125,000 in the name of Ovarian Cancer research. COVID, of course, halted a lot, but Elaine Boswell Tennis for Teal is going big for its 8th year. Elaine and Nan have partnered with Penn Medicine Abraham Cancer Center to throw a number of awareness events, bringing the message back to the Philadelphia-area women's tennis community. All proceeds will go directly to Ovarian Cancer research, and the team would appreciate if you would please consider donating to honor those we've lost, those we've gotten more time with, and all those who have been and will be affected by this devastating illness.

Story by Emma Golden (emmasthing.com)
Press Links
  • "Friendship, Awareness, and the Power of Tennis": https://www.usta.com/en/home/stay-current/middlestates/friendship--awareness--and-the-power-of-tennis-.html
Donation messages
Please continue this important research. This donation is dedicated to Elaine Boswell, a fighter and champion. --Sheppard Family
You're an inspiration to many. Thank you for sharing your story. --Mrs. Tara Bucci
In remembrance of my wonderful sister Kathy who lost the fight and for my friend Nan who supports those fighting. XO Annie --Mrs. Annie Baker
In Memory of my Mom - Barbara. She died of ovarian cancer in 1992. She was an avid tennis player and a great mother of 5! We miss you every day. --The Ballengers
Please continue your hard work to fight ovarian cancer. --Madeline Raffaele
Donate now!
Billie Jean King (center) and the Philadelphia Freedoms have been a huge help with our fundraising efforts in recent years, seen here in 2019 with Elaine Boswell (left) and Nan Barash (right).
Fundraising goal $50,000.00
Learn more about the story behind Tennis for Teal and its founder, Elaine Boswell! Featuring an introduction from Billie Jean King.
  Celebrating a generous donation from Christy Walker & Family!  
Recent donations (115 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Sheppard Family $250.00
The Berardoni Family $270.00
Christy Walker & her family $25000.00
National Life Group $1000.00
DPenne $50.00
Recent donations
Top donors (115 donations)
Christy Walker & her family $25000.00
Anonymous This amount includes donations indented below
Anonymous This amount includes donations indented below
   Mary P Mattson
EFG Charitable Foundation $1500.00
National Life Group $1000.00

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