Family Gathering 2019, Orlando
Talk about your cause
Hello to all my dear family and friends!
I will be participating in Million Dollar Bike Ride to raise money to continue the awesome research they're doing on FOP (the disease Sara has). As you all know Sara has fought hard against FOP but she's fighting harder now than she ever has. Sara was diagnosed at 7 months old with FOP which is young, so she's been fighting for almost 32 years. There are also many adults and children worldwide who fight FOP daily like Sara.
Thanks to all of you who have given to the IFOPA before, we really appreciate it and it really makes a difference in what they can do to find a cure or treatment. I'm asking you if you could give one more time and support my effort on this bike ride which not only benefits the research driven by the IFOPA, but it's good for me. I love you all!!!!