Million Dollar Bike Ride - Adult Polyglucosan Disease Fund
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The Story of APBD Research Foundation
Fundraising goal $40,000.00
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APBD Tour de Friends - Help us earn $60K in Matching Funds!

APBD Manifests During the Prime of Life
APBD is an ultra-rare, inherited disorder of metabolism that devastates the nervous system. It gives no indication of its presence in infancy or childhood, but it strikes adults when they're in the prime of life -- as young as 35. Most often, sufferers are told they have MS, ALS, peripheral neuropathy, and other severe degenerative ailments which have similar symptoms. At the current time, there is no treatment or cure.
We're Raising Dollars To Bring About a Cure
In 1991, the first major discovery concerning the genetic origin of APBD was made. Through imaginative and determined research, the understanding of the disease has deepened immensely. We're closing in on answers that promise to fulfill everyone's dream for treatment and cure! Please throw your weight behind the effort.
This year we have a Triple Play that boosts the power of your donation!
The dollars we raise through the Million Dollar Bike Ride will be MATCHED by Penn Medicine's Orphan Disease Center (ODC), up to $30,000. And we also have Community Supporters who'll MATCH the ODC match -- provided your donation is made by May 30th. Every dollar you donate can generate $3 in research.

ODC banks all funds on our behalf and administers research grants to top researchers around the world. This is a powerful opportunity to advance APBD research. Please be generous with your support.

RIDE WITH US VIRTUALLY.. on your bike, on a scooter, on an exercycle, or in your imagination. And don't forget to take a friend with you! Go here to register

See our website: for more about APBD diagnosis, research, support for patients, the patient registry, and efforts to spread the word in at-risk communities.

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