Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund
Donate now!
Fundraising goal $750,000.00
Recent donations (1546 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Mr. chris seitzinger $100.00
Rena Conti & Gregory Cowhey $2500.00
Anonymous $100.00
Ms. Mika Silver $100.00
E S $50.00
Recent donations
Top donors (1546 donations)
Rob & Lisa Matelwich This amount includes donations indented below
   Mike Lee    $100.00
   Ward Family
   The Wanns    $100.00
   Rich Miller    $250.00
   Billy Blackwill    $100.00
   Mr. Gary Guinta    $250.00
   Chris and Ames    $2000.00
   Paul & Hilary Kenny    $100.00
   Anonymous    $50.00
   Ms. Darlyne Haba    $100.00
   steve and bethann metro    $100.00
   Warren Davis    $300.00
   Rob & Lisa Matelwich    $3500.00
   Anonymous    $250.00
   Brian Taylor
   The Wann's    $100.00
   Kamal Hosein
   Cindi and Erik Rand    $100.00
   joe and cheryl cushing    $200.00
   Ward Family
   Hardy Hill    $100.00
   Mr. cotter smith    $100.00
   Warren Davis
   Gary Guinta    $250.00
   Bill & Justina Blackwill    $100.00
   Anonymous    $400.00
   Chris & Amy Konzelmann    $1500.00
   Mike Lee    $100.00
   John Rote    $100.00
   Mr. Paul Kenny    $100.00
   John and Vicky    $500.00
   Laurie Endlar
   Darlyne Haba    $100.00
   Mr. Robert Sniezek    $100.00
   Rob & Lisa Matelwich    $3500.00
   Mr. Christian Konzelmann    $2000.00
   Bill Blackwill    $75.00
   Craig & Joanne Burdulis    $50.00
   Anonymous    $500.00
   Ward Family    $250.00
   Anonymous    $250.00
   Yolande Dutel    $50.00
   Hardy Hill    $100.00
   joe & cheryl cushing    $200.00
   GG    $250.00
   Jaime Picunko    $50.00
   Mr. Gary Guinta    $250.00
   Chris & Amy Konzelmann    $2000.00
   Bob Sniezek
   Paul Kenny    $100.00
   MICHAEL FISHER    $25.00
   Rich Miller    $250.00
   The Hyman Family
   Mrs. Yolande Dutel    $100.00
   Mr. D Mayo    $50.00
   Anonymous    $1000.00
   Mr. Gregory Wirthmann    $50.00
   Marc & Joelle Sweet
   Mr. Richard Kernan    $100.00
   Mr. Cotter Smith    $50.00
   Ward Family    $250.00
   Joe and Carolyn Brazil    $100.00
   Anonymous    $150.00
   Anonymous    $250.00
   KJ Tybor
   Anonymous    $500.00
   Bill Blackwill    $50.00
   Warren Davis
   Mr. George Smith    $100.00
   The Ramuta's    $500.00
   Rob & Lisa Matelwich    $3000.00
   Paul & Hilary Kenny    $100.00
   Hillary & Michael Sweet    $50.00
   Ward Family
   Joe Brazil    $100.00
   Kamal Hosein
   Mr. Robert Sniezek Jr    $100.00
   Mr. Matthew D'Avanzo    $50.00
   Laurie Endlar Lee
   Gary Spielman    $100.00
   Dan Studer
   Hardy Hill    $100.00
   Mr. Rick Kernan    $100.00
   Mr. Elliott Greenberg    $100.00
   Lynn Hutchinson
   Rich Miller    $250.00
   Warren Davis    $100.00
   Konz    $1000.00
   Mike Lee    $100.00
   Bill Blackwill    $100.00
   Rodbell family    $25.00
   Anonymous    $500.00
   Eric Johnstone    $100.00
   Stasen    $250.00
   Mr. Mike Bell    $250.00
   Oscar Alvarez for Rob Matelwich
   Bruce Frankenberg
   joe cushing    $100.00
   Mr. Robert Matelwich    $100.00
   Robert Matelwich
   lynn hutchinson    $100.00
   Anne Miller    $100.00
   Mr. Daniel Studer
   Mr. Eric Daouphars    $100.00
   Rich Miller    $100.00
   Thor Jorgenson
   Kamal Hosein
   Yolande Dutel    $50.00
   Ms. laurie endlar lee    $100.00
   Warren Davis    $150.00
   KJ Tybor
   Anonymous    $200.00
   Hardy Hill    $100.00
   John Griffith    $500.00
   Anonymous    $250.00
   John    $100.00
   Paul Higgins    $100.00
   Mike Fisher    $50.00
   Christian Konzelmann & Amy Duffy    $500.00
   Kernan Family    $100.00
   joe cushing    $100.00
   Rob Matelwich    $2500.00
   Anne Miller
   Denise Flagg    $75.00
   Mr. Robert Sniezek
   Mr. Hardy Hill    $100.00
   Mr. Kamal Hosein
   Stifel Memphis Office    $60.00
   Bill Blackwill    $100.00
   KJ Tybor
   Andy Kilpatrick
   Warren Davis    $100.00
   Kim Pandick
   joe cushing    $100.00
   Bruce Frankenberg
   Chris Graper    $250.00
   Laurie Endlar Lee
   Chris Rotz    $100.00
   Rob Matelwich    $2000.00
Team Cowhey This amount includes donations indented below $30015.00
   Mrs. Elaine Eckert    $250.00
   Nora Lloyd    $100.00
   Gina Harbinson
   Mr. scott matison
   Scott    $100.00
   Mr. P Enever
   Kimberly Moses    $25.00
   Mr. Brad Koranda    $150.00
   Andrew and Elizabeth Eckert    $100.00
   Emerald    $200.00
   Jeffrey & Mary Ellen Cowhey    $100.00
   T&J Tira
   TEAM COWHEY - Ronnie Druding    $50.00
   Arthur J. Murray, Esq.    $50.00
   Jamie DePetris
   Mr. Andrew Kelly    $100.00
   Mr. Donna and Dan Cowhey
   Matt Jaimes    $50.00
   Trish and Paul LeFever    $50.00
   Mr. Edward Phillips
   Ms. Paige Haviland
   David Rasner    $100.00
   Ron Nahass    $50.00
   Ms. Emily O'Neill    $20.00
   Patrick Chylinski
   Brad Koranda
   Mrs. Susan EISENBERG    $200.00
   Mark Forde    $100.00
   Mr. Michael Kleiman
   Mr. Richard Brabender    $100.00
   Mx. Barbara Linde    $50.00
   Karen & Bruce Givnish
   Adams    $200.00
   Anonymous    $50.00
   Meaghan Bricker
   Donald Kirby    $100.00
   Chris Cavallaro    $50.00
   Elaine Eckert    $250.00
   Ms. cheryl young    $100.00
   Mr. Robert Whitelaw
   Dr. susan leoni    $100.00
   Mr. Sudhir KONDISETTY
   Emerald Asset Management    $100.00
   Adam Tanker    $50.00
The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund

Welcome to the Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund!


When: OCTOBER 5th - OCTOBER 31, 2024
Where: Anywhere
Learn More: https://www.believeinthelungs.com/pages/arw-tenv-details.shtml

Our family has established this fund, with the same Love, Strength, Courage and Passion that Kathy lived and fought by every day, to support the continued research of Dr. Christine A. Ciunci, MD MSCE and her team at The Abramson Cancer Center at Penn Medicine in developing remedies in the ultimate cure of Lung Cancer.

Our lives changed forever on July 6, 2012, when Kathy was diagnosed with a mass in her right lung, which was subsequently determined to be non-small cell lung cancer, at the age of 49. Upon additional testing, the diagnosis changed to Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, as the cancer had metastasized to her brain.

We didn't know what was happening; how this was happening. Kathy wasn't a smoker, wasn't on medications for any health issues? It all started with a cough.

We were initially shell-shocked in disbelief and fear. However, we quickly realized, regardless of this fate, Kathy was going to be the exception, not the rule. We were determined to live each day to the fullest and not allow the cancer to dictate our lives - through the love of our family (five forever), our faith and our medical team.

It is in this spirit that this fund is established and so very special to our family!

Kathy had an undeniable love and passion for her family, a deep dedication to her faith, an unmatched strength in her determination, along with her confidence and conviction in Dr. Evan Alley and his team at Penn.

Dr. Alley was Kathy's comfort and confidence by always providing remedies, treatments and alternatives to ever changing diagnosis. From their first meeting forward, Kathy believed in Dr. Alley and Dr. Alley believed in Kathy, which gave Kathy and our family the strength and conviction we needed to fight and live strong each day. Dr. Alley always provided a positive attitude with cutting edge remedies to Kathy's treatment. During our appointments, when Kathy would ask Dr. Alley in trepidation, "Are you still on board with me?", Dr. Alley would respond without hesitation, "Of course I am". It was Dr. Alley's words and actions that allowed Kathy to leave his office with confidence, comfort and conviction. Dr. Alley is also the exception and not the rule, for his dedication to his research and patients.

It wasn't until after Kathy passed away on August 10, 2014, in speaking with Dr. Alley, that we were made aware, based on Kathy's initial diagnosis in July, 2012 of Stage IV Lung Cancer, her survival was estimated at two to seven months.

Kathy defied the odds! Kathy beat lung cancer for 25 months!

We believe in Kathy's strength, determination and passion for life! We believe in the team at Penn's dedication, determination and passion in their research to find a cure for this devastating disease.

The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund has been established exclusively for Dr. Christine A. Ciunci, MD MSCE and her team at The Abramson Cancer Center at Penn Medicine to eradicate Lung Cancer through research, clinical trials and treatments. Current trends and projections indicate lung cancer will turn into a chronically managed disease by the year 2023. We believe we can help bridge the gap with our fund. We will be making periodic announcements for fund raising events during the year on this website.

We thank everyone who has already contributed to make this fund a reality and look forward to continuing to satisfy the mission of the fund in eradicating lung cancer. Thank you for your support!

With Love and Appreciation,

The Rotz Family

Chris, Megan, Kaitlan & Chris
Donation messages
10th Annual Sponsor! --Patterson Plastics & Manufacturing
10th Annual Sponsor! --J. Bill Landscaping, Inc.
Congrats on your 10 year anniversary may you have many more --Frannie Cronin
In memory of Kathleen M. Rotz, Williams Family Law, P.C. supports "The Kathleen M. Rotz Lung Cancer Research Fund". --Jeffrey M. Williams, Esq. on behalf of Williams Family Law
Blessed to be part of an amazing cause and family, we love you all very much. Emily, Stan and Lauren --Lauren Patricia Bojko

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