Penn Medicine Emergency Relief Fund
Donate now!
The Pavilion lit in support of the people of Ukraine
Fundraising goal $100,000.00
Recent donations (1503 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Anonymous $275.00
Ryan Sharetts
Anonymous $500.00
Mrs. Karyn A Mullen $200.00
Andrea Mitchell
Recent donations
Top donors (1503 donations)
Andrea Mitchell
Dr. Richard L Doty This amount includes donations indented below $2600.00
   Mrs. Kathleen Kraemer    $100.00
PAH Women's Health Division $2000.00
Zhanna Anatoliyivna Panchuk This amount includes donations indented below $1500.00
   Anonymous    $250.00
Drs. Diana Ayubcha and Taras Grosh This amount includes donations indented below $1250.00
   Anonymous    $250.00
This Campaign is Closed
Please no longer make gifts to support Ukraine on this site. We have distributed the funds to UNICEF and the International Red Cross. You can support either organization directly at the links below:

International Red Cross

    Donation messages
    My husband, Dr. James L. Mullen and I are praying for the people of Ukraine and hoping that they will soon find peace and freedom in their beautiful country. --Mrs. Karyn A Mullen
    Praying for safety and peace! --R. Peoples-Starling
    fyi: "Glory to Ukraine" is a nazi slogan --Demand peace!
    Prayers for peace and safety --Steve and Gina Eshleman
    Standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine --Carolyn Kantor

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    2929 Walnut Street, Suite 300 Philadelphia, PA 19104 | Superuser