Christopher Peterson Memorial Fellowship Fund
Donate now!
Fundraising goal $1,175.00
Participation Goal 47 Donors
Recent donations (6 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Felix Yerace $50.00
Tamara Myles $100.00
Liza $50.00
Iris $180.00
Wes Adams $200.00
Recent donations
MAPP Class of 2020 CPMF Donation Page

Donate on behalf of your class to raise money for the Chris Peterson Memorial Fellowship. We will announce the class with the highest total fundraising amount and the class with the highest participation rate.
About the Christopher Peterson Memorial Fellowship
The Christopher Peterson Memorial Fellowship, a partnership between the MAPP Alumni Association, Penn's School of Arts and Sciences and the Positive Psychology Center, provides tuition remission of up to 50% to one or more new MAPP students annually. Recipients demonstrate service to others, academic merit and financial need. MAPP explicitly welcomes a diverse classroom of scholars, and this scholarship is intended to reduce barriers and enhance pathways to scholarship for candidates that might not otherwise be able to attend.
    Donation messages
    In honor of our CPM scholar, Celeste, and this year's MAPP15 presenters at Fete and Summit, Iris and Travis. --Liza
    Love you, MAPPily --Darlene

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