The Kusum Soin PAACH Fund
Donate now!
Fundraising goal $20,000.00
Participation Goal 150 Donors
Recent donations (171 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Carlin $1235.12
Ann Tiao and Robert Allen
Anonymous $100.00
Rohan Grover $1250.00
Anonymous $533.00
Rajit Malhotra
Edith Chao $1250.00
Gina Wu $100.00
Mr. Anthony Tran
Tomo Takebe
Recent donations
Top donors (171 donations)
Mr. Patrick Li $2000.00
Patrick Li
Anonymous This amount includes donations indented below
   Anonymous    $533.00
Rohan Grover $1250.00
Jennifer (Kwon) and Greg Chou $1250.00
Kusum Soin: Honoring 15 Years of Community

Kusum Soin + alumni (L-R: Franklin Shen '03, Eugena Oh '03 & Michelle Yuen '02) at the PAACH 15 Year Celebration.
This Gift Campaign
Penn alumni and friends of PAACH are honoring the legacy of Kusum Soin and her 15 dedicated years of work at PAACH, from its foundation in 2000 to the hallmark 15 Year Celebration held on November 7, 2015.

Our goal through this initiative is to reflect the invaluable work that Kusum has done for the University. Throughout the years, she has connected, mentored, and inspired so many generations of students who have passed through PAACH's doorways.

We've specifically chosen to direct our gifts to the PAACH Endowment so that Kusum's impact will live on in perpetuity, helping students for many more generations to come.

We've reached our $15,000 goal, due to everyone's incredible generosity and enthusiasm, We are increasing the goal to $20,000.

If you'd like to join and honor Kusum's legacy at PAACH...
Make a donation through this campaign page from now through December 31, 2017.
You may also be able to match your gift through your employer. Check to see if your company has a matching gift policy at .

Each gift will contribute to the growth of the PAACH Endowment Fund and be tagged as a gift to Kusum, honoring her 15 years thus far at PAACH.

Help make this giving page simultaneously a virtual 15 year memory book!
If you have photos that are special to Kusum and you'd like to submit for display on this page, please email to
  • Thank you for everything you've done for us, PAACH Mom!
Donation messages
For the many great memories and the many things we did to better ourselves and the community. :) --Carlin
Congratulations on 15 years, Kusum! Thank you for your mentorship and your friendship over the years. The PAACH community has been so lucky to have you. I'm so glad to see your impact will be remembered and sustained through the endowment. --Rohan Grover
PAACH was hugely formative to my time at Penn, both from my personal development and the support network of friends I gained around me. I still live with and often see friends I met through PEER and APALI! --Edith Chao
Thanks for all the support Kusum! Missing you and the PAACH family! --Mr. Isaac Lin
Thank you Kusum and PAACH for all the work you've done over the years and that you will continue to do in the future! --Paulo Bautista
Thanks so much for everything Kusum! --Aelita Parker
Thank you, Kusum and PAACH! --Steven Lin
Kusum, thank you for being such an integral part of my Penn memories and communities. The students, staff, and faculty are so lucky to have you there! --Cynthia Wong
Congrats on 15 years, Kusum! --Brian Lee
Dear Kusum - thank you for your commitment to the Asian American student community at Penn. Your love and passion have reached so many students over the years. --Jennifer (Kwon) and Greg Chou

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