Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Fund
Donate now!
Fundraising goal $3,000.00
Recent donations (37 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Anonymous $250.00
Joel and Irene $25.00
Michelle Davis $25.00
Monroe Family $100.00
Recent donations
Top donors (37 donations)
John This amount includes donations indented below $1005.00
   Monroe Family    $100.00
   Glynn and Lorraine Laing
   Jeanette & Bill Donahue    $250.00
   Suzanne & Chris C    $25.00
   John and Terri Doerr    $200.00
   Kathy Neer    $50.00
   Tom & Kate Ebert    $30.00
   Susan N    $10.00
   Carol Harrington    $100.00
   Mr. John Jeffs    $25.00
Mira and Sean
Jeanette & Bill Donahue $250.00
Tom and Kathy Schmidt $250.00
John's Million Dollar Bike Ride Story

Why I'm Riding in Million Dollar Bike Ride
The 2020 Penn Medicine Orphan Disease Center Million Dollar Bike Ride is a fully virtual event being held on Saturday, June 13, 2020. I'm riding in honor of my stepson Patrick Doerr who has FOP. I did a biking fundraiser for FOP in 2012 and I rode 400 miles across the entire state of Wisconsin. I told Pat he is always going uphill, but at least I can get off the bike. Whenever I ride, I ride for those who cannot move and would love to feel the exhilaration that comes with riding a bicycle.
What is FOP?
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is one of the rarest, most disabling genetic conditions known to medicine. FOP painfully causes bone to form in muscles, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. Bridges of extra bone develop across joints, progressively restricting movement and forming a second skeleton that imprisons the body in bone. There are no effective treatments for FOP. FOP is a rare genetic disease and there are fewer than 900 people known of worldwide (approximately 285 known cases in the United States) living with FOP.
Can You Join Me?
Please consider supporting my ride by making a donation in honor of Patrick. You are helping us raise much needed funds for new FOP research grants.
Donation messages
God bless you, John, for your amazing efforts! --Joel and Irene
Thank you for riding for Patrick and all of those living with FOP! John, you're a hero!! --Michelle Davis
Thanks for doing this ride and fundraiser for this important cause near and dear to our heart! Love you! Prayers for a safe ride for you and all the riders. --The Niermann Family
We commend you, John, for your outstanding service. --Glynn and Lorraine Laing
Thanks so much, John, for doing this ride in honor of Patrick. I wish we could join you! --Tom and Kathy Schmidt

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